Story of BUSINKA
BUSINKA is my new passion, my new love inspired by my quarantine time in Bali. My bracelet story starts with a little Lava Stone bracelet...
Some years ago I went to the mountains, to the Rain Forest. I made a coffee stop at the local "Toko" in a small village. The owner of the shop (an old lady) asked me if everything is Bagus=alright and if I like the area where I was travelling. She just gave me a Lava Stone bracelet and said that it would protect me during my adventures. I must say it was not my style but I gave her a little donation for it and promised to wear it as a talisman.
And I was wearing it as a talisman and believe me or not but I could feel it's support. Until I broke it when I was unpacking the groceries. First second I was upset but right after I came up with an idea to make a new bracelet but a better version. So I bought extra stones, mixed them and made my own handmade bracelet.
Then I was reading more and more about gemstones, about their properties and benefits and it became so interesting that I keep on studying every single day.
I started to combine more, to be more passionate about what I was doing and my collection started to grow. That's why I decided to share my passion all over the world so my BUSINKA with a gracious soul can protect you as well :)
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